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October 7, 2021

WFCD leading the way

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TEC congratulates Workforce Central Dunedin on its approach to linking training organisations with the hospital build.

Pictured left to right: representatives from New Dunedin Hospital, Workforce Central Dunedin, Tertiary Education Commission’s Learner Success Ōritetanga Directorate and the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s Kānoa Regional Economic Development Investment Unit. Laura Price (NDH Project Coordinator), Jessica Thompson (WFCD Community Engagement Advisor), Morgan Healey (TEC Manager Ōritetanga), Paora Ammunson (TEC DCE Ōritetanga), Andy Cowan (Kānoa Senior Advisor Innovation, SWEP - Sector Workforce Engagement Programme), Lisale Falema’a (TEC Senior Advisor Ōritetanga) Alex Penrose (TEC Relationship Manager Business and Partnerships) and Mike Barns (NDH Programme Director). Meeting/photo undertaken prior to COVID-19 alert level restrictions.

WFCD leading the way in linking training organisations with the hospital build.

“All New Zealanders are descended from explorers, designers, innovators, engineers and risk takers”

The New Dunedin Hospital project team, Workforce Central Dunedin and the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s Sector Workforce Engagement Programme recently met with Paora Ammunson, Deputy Chief Executive for the Tertiary Education Commission’s Learner Success Ōritetanga Directorate.

Paora says excellence and achievement runs in our blood and his work focuses on all learners (with a particularly focus on Māori, Pacific and disabled learners), to support tertiary education organisations to intentionally redesign their businesses with learners at the centre.

“The approach that Workforce Central is taking to the New Dunedin Hospital build is a positive and creative example of the opportunities industry, tertiary organisations and government can create and deliver for learners” says Paora.

“The New Dunedin Hospital project team is leading the way and reflects many of the aims within our Reform of Vocational Education (ROVE (https://www.tec.govt.nz/rove/reform-of-vocational-education/)) programme to form closer links between training organisations and industry, and a stronger focus on in-work training,” he says.

Read more about TEC’s Learner Success Ōritetanga approach (https://www.tec.govt.nz/focus/our-focus/oritetanga-tertiary-success-for-everyone/).

Workforce Central Dunedin (https://wfcd.co.nz) is providing the skills and labour needed to help complete the New Dunedin Hospital build whilst improving the lives of the local community by providing training, support, and access to this once-in-a-lifetime project.

Workforce Central Dunedin is proudly supported through the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s Kānoa Regional Economic Development Investment Unit Te Ara Mahi workstream (Kānoa - REDIU (https://www.growregions.govt.nz/)).

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