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August 23, 2019

Concept Design Phase close to completion

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The New Dunedin Hospital project team continues to make good progress, says Michelle Arrowsmith, Deputy Director General, DHB Performance, Support and Infrastructure.

The New Dunedin Hospital project team continues to make good progress, says Michelle Arrowsmith, Deputy Director General, DHB Performance, Support and Infrastructure.

We're on track to finish the concept design next month for the smaller Ambulatory Services Centre which will house outpatients’ facilities and day surgery. The concept design for the larger Acute Services Building is expected to be completed by November.

The concept design phase will confirm the location and approximate size of each building and what services they will house.

Michelle Arrowsmith, Mat Parr and John Hazeldine check out the drilling during a recent site visit.

We're currently interviewing for the appointment of the architect to progress the next design stage. The preliminary design, which is expected to take up to six months, will then lead into the developed design phase.

We will shortly be putting out the RFP (Request for Proposals) for the demolition works. While demolition works won’t get underway until early next year, we need to appoint the demolition contractor to progress the detailed planning that’s required for such a large and complex demolition project.

Alongside the demolition strategy, the Ministry continues to progress site acquisition negotiations for the remaining parcels of land required, as well as working through the consent process.

The Cumberland site (includes the University, Warehouse Stationery, Lighting Direct and Anytime Fitness as tenants) was purchased last month. The team is working hard to ensure we meet the project's timeframe of the end of the year to acquire the necessary land to commence the initial site works. It’s a complex and lengthy process.

While Underground Overground Archaeology are continuing to provide heritage advice on the site buildings, we’re pleased we’re in a position to now confirm that the Dairy Building will be retained. The design process will look at options for its adaptive reuse.

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