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June 26, 2023

Women in Construction

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BCITO Te Pūkenga Mana Wāhine trade event.

Pictured left to right: Kate Butterfield (ESG Advisor, Southbase), Amanda Williams (Principal Advisor Women, Te Pūkenga) and Wendy Brockett (Southbase) demonstrating the NDH Outpatient Building VR which was very popular with attendees.

It was great to see so many women interested in the construction industry go along to the BCITO Te Pūkenga Mana Wāhine trade event in Dunedin.


As many will be aware, New Zealand's infrastructure industry has a skills gap and events like this are a valuable opportunity to hear from inspirational women working in the industry and meet local employers.


Workforce Central Dunedin’s Raymond Clark was a speaker, along with Annie Theewis, a joinery apprentice at Wood Solutions.  Annie shared her story of tertiary education with a focus towards pursuing an arts career, then Covid hit and she did an unexpected pivot into the construction industry.   She’s loving every minute and her journey was an eye opener for many into a career she admitted she would never have pursued otherwise, having had no exposure to it.  She hopes many other women consider the same.

Check out the range of resources BCITO Te Pūkenga have for Women in Construction, 

including these real workplace stories.


If you know of anyone keen to train as an apprentice, encourage them to contact BCITO. There are 35,000 BCITO Te Pūkenga  trade qualified professionals (and counting) across the country!   

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