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October 11, 2019

Video: former Cadbury factory site visit

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To assist potential demolition contract tenderers, a series of site visits through the former Dunedin Cadbury factory have been scheduled.

To assist potential demolition contract tenderers, a series of site visits through the former Dunedin Cadbury factory have been scheduled. This allows contractors to get up close and personal with a series of structures that pose significant challenges from a demolition standpoint.

Given the detailed planning that’s required for such a large and complex demolition project, the contractor will need time to prepare for demolition.

Alongside this, the Ministry of Health continues to work through the required consent process, including demolition consents, as well as site acquisition negotiations for the remaining parcels of land required.

Demolition works are due to get underway early next year, subject to obtaining the necessary consents.

Organising these contractor visits is Senior Project Manager Blair Collie, from RCP, who are leading providers of independent project management and strategic advisory services to New Zealand’s property and construction industry.  We caught up with Blair to discuss these site visits, and also take a look through the former Cadbury site.

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