Façade progressing on the New Dunedin Hospital Outpatient Building

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There’s a lot to see on the New Dunedin Hospital Outpatient Building as the team makes good progress installing the façade.

The eastern and southern walls are now close to completed. These walls use brick panels, tinted glass and white porcelain panels. The materials were carefully evaluated for resilience before installation, but there will be further drench testing to ensure the building is water tight.

Southbase Senior Project manager Anthony Franicevic says things have been going well. “Months of careful planning is paying off, allowing us to move quickly now as we fit the façade. We are working with a few different materials and you can now start to see how these fit together to create a visually appealing external appearance.”

The current focus for the construction team is the northern façade and the roof. Internal fitout is continuing at the same time and progressing well.

Health New Zealand Southern Programme Director Bridget Dickson says it’s pleasing to see the Outpatient Building progressing so well. “We are looking forward to welcoming the community into this wonderful new facility. A standalone Outpatient Building is a new approach for Health New Zealand Southern, and will allow us to offer significantly enhanced, well-organised outpatient services for our patients.”

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